Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. holciformis, Coastal Hairgrass
A must for the coastal prairie or sea-bluff garden, this ornamental low-growing grass is broader than it is tall, forming neat clumps 8-12" tall and 2' wide. Dark-green leaves give pincushion effect. Deschampsia cespitosa, commonly called tufted hair grass, is a clump-forming, cool season grass which is often grown as an ornamental. It typically forms a low, dense tussock (to 16" tall) of very thin (1/5" wide), arching, flat to rolled, dark green grass blades (to 2' long).
Numerous flower stems rise in summer from the foliage mound to a height of 3' bearing wide, airy panicles (to 20" long) of tiny, variably-colored flowers (tones of gold, silver, purple and green) which form a fuzzy, fluffy-looking cloud over the foliage that is particularly attractive when backlit. Flower panicles turn yellowish-tan after bloom as the seed ripens and may remain attractive through much of the winter. One of the few ornamental grasses that grows well in shade.
This species is being grown widely throughout the country.