Restorative Holiday

Posted by Judith Lowry on

The Bolinas Lagoon in November

The reassuring sounds of rain on the roof (Nov. 26, 30) make it easy to dream  of rest, even while we work. The rain aids the underground, unseen work of seeds and soil, while recharging our aquifers, and we don't have to do a thing! Moisture in the soil softens seed coats, allowing seed germination. 

For many years, a wise woman in our town printed in our local paper a plea for recognizing winter holiday time as an opportunity for quiet and rest. The less energy you expend in the winter, she said, the more energy you will have for appreciating and participating in the glories of spring. Sowing wildflowers at this time of year fits well with these guidelines. Find seeds here.

Some think that good early rains determine a great flower season. Some think it is the late rains. Some think following drought with a wet year produces best results. Some think consistency is what counts. If you want to lend nature a hand, a rule of thumb is: 1" per week of water. January is often a dry month, when irrigation can be helpful. Checking soil to see if it is moist can be your guide.  Also, cross your fingers, and then, listen to the rain.

Because some have asked: Yes, this is a great time for adding wildflower seeds to your soil seedbank, planning for an exuberant spring. But it is not the only time! It's the cooler, shorter days of the fall and winter season, not one good rain, that make it an easy time to give seeds the moisture they need for germination and early growth. Please don't panic if you miss one rainfall before you sow your seeds.

Appreciative Holiday Message:
To listen to rain is to appreciate it. To contemplate a flower shows gratitude. In that regard....We appreciate being so fortunate as to be able to think about and learn about, on a daily basis, the rain, plants, seeds, soil, and soil microbes (more on this in a future newsletter) that make it all happen.
Thanks especially to our customers, for their willingness to make the leap of faith that seeds require, for their patience with our (almost non-existent) mistakes, for their good questions and good ideas, and for their interesting, often beautiful feedback. We are listening.

Original post by Jeff Manson: December 17, 2016

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