The Monkeywrench Collection
"The Monkeywrench Gang" by Edward Abbey is an American classic about a band of characters that set out to protect the natural habitat by using unusual tactics. They pour syrup in gas tanks and sand in engines. This new seed collection features especially stalwart native plants that can effectively compete with the invaders. We've seen California bee plant rising up from a solid phalanx of English ivy. Bolander's phacelia pushes out oxalis in stray corners. And so on.
CAUTION: A word of warning. Be careful not to introduce the Monkeywrench Collection in places where these species might outcompete more circumspect native plants. A thoughtful combination of propagating endangered wildflowers and grasses in areas receiving some of your attention, while holding territory in other areas through the use of these undaunted natives can make good sense.
In vacant lots, along roadsides where harding grass and fennel would love to move in, and in other neglected areas, try our Monkeywrench Collection!
These plants are also incredible insectary plants. The ability to attract a variety of insects is just one of the strategies that accounts for the vigorous nature of the Monkeywrench plants. Six individual seed packets in this collection include:
Gumplant (Grindelia stricta) is irresistible to butterflies and other insects. The flowers are slightly gummy and covered with curly bracts. 3-4’ tall
California Bee Plant (Scrophularia californica) is a prolific nectar producer. Attracts huge numbers of bees, flies, hummingbirds. 4-6’ tall.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) has lacey foliage that attracts predators like green lacewings and ladybugs. 1-3’ tall.
Evening primrose (Oenoethera hookeri) has night blooming flowers that attract insects which attract bats. 4-6’ tall.
Peppermint candy flower (Claytonia sibirica) is a native for shady areas. It attracts a wide range of smaller pollinators like hover flies and ants. 1’ tall. .
Bolander’s phacelia (Phacelia bolanderii) is a vigorous perennial with pretty lavender flowers that will bloom in the shade, including under oaks. 1-2’ tall.