Triteleia hyacinthina, White Brodiaea
A prolific member of the group of native bulbs known as "Indian potatoes" for their edible corms, an important part of the diet of indigenous Californians.
This species, one of the easiest to grow, has lovely funnel-shaped white flowers, sometimes flushed purple, with green veins on the back. Each flower has six stamens with white, yellow, or blue anthers. The showy umbel-like clusters of flowers grow 12" to 16" tall and are particularly pleasing in bouquets. They last well, both growing in the ground and as cut flowers.
White brodiaea is often found growing in damp places, so if you are growing it in wooden boxes or other containers, keep watering it while it is blooming. Once the seeds start to ripen, a sequential process, stop watering.
This species is lovely in an all white garden and has a bridal look that makes it perfect for wedding bouquets.