Limnanthes douglasii ssp. sulphurea, Point Reyes Meadowfoam

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Limnanthes douglasii ssp. sulphurea

An annual blooming in early spring, the bright yellow flowers of this native wildflower are a lovely sight from March to May. The sturdy plants grow no higher than a foot and solidly cover the ground in moist areas with the rich golden sunshine of their large blooms. The attractive compound leaves are a fresh green. Although it is federally listed as threatened, like Douglas meadowfoam, it is one of the easiest to grow of wildflowers. It favors marshy, full sun areas, vernal pools, and other freshwater wetlands, but does fine in dryer gardens. We like to grow it in containers, where it reseeds year after year.

The seed of this wildflower is grown out for us in Pt. Reyes to avoid crossing with other meadowfoam relatives. Don't grow it with Douglas meadowfoam, Limnanthes douglasii, as they will cross. It occurs only in San Mateo and Marin Counties.