Golden State Native Grass Erosion Control Mix
This popular mix of three fast-growing, "nurse plant" native grasses is used for banks, roadcuts, and other places where a quick start to prevent erosion is desired. The traditional seeds used and recommended for these situations were non-native grasses such as Italian ryegrass. Later studies showed that Italian ryegrass put a chemical substance into the soil that prevented the re-establishment of native plants.
We have created this mix to offer an alternative. In some situations, slower-growing, longer-lived native grasses such as Stipa pulchra or Danthonia californica are planted out from 4" pots or liners, and while they grow, the mix grasses described above are seeded around them to offer protection from the elements and hold the soil.
Composed of three quick-growing, perennial native bunchgrasses : blue wildrye, Elymus glaucus, California brome, Bromus carinatus, and California meadow barley, Hordeum brachyantherum, which will provide soil cover on denuded slopes. Also acts as nurse plants for the longer-lived, initially slower-growing native species.
1/2# covers approximately 800 sq. ft.
1# covers approximately 2000 sq. ft.
Seeding rate is 15-20 lbs. per acre.