Clarkia concinna, Red Ribbons

  • $8.00
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Clarkia concinna

Deep pink to rich red deeply-lobed annual wildflower growing one foot tall, blooming June-July. Red ribbons clarkia makes a gorgeous container plant and a strong but not overwhelming feature in the garden. Coming upon it in a woodland garden, or on a partly shaded hillside is always a pleasant surprise. It is not as variable in color as Clarkia amoena, but is consistently its elegant, richly-colored self.

We sow the seed in flats, then transplant the sturdy seedlings to 4-inch pots, then into the garden, sun or part-shade. This wildflower used to be widely available, but no longer is.  We have seen it lose territory in a number of places. We have happy to be able to offer it to you.