Clarkia amoena, Farewell-to-Spring

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Clarkia amoena

One of the workhorses of the garden, in that for little effort it gives big rewards, including very reliable reseeding. It has showy lavender to pink flowers that brighten the golden hills of California when the spring flowers have gone to seed. Thrives in sun or part shade.

With its stunning color range from mauve to pink to white, it has mid-petal blotches of a deep maroon. With irrigation, it can bloom for as long as 3-4 months. Highly satisfactory garden flower and long-lasting cut flower. Marin to Humboldt Co. Blooms June-Aug, sometimes into Oct. on coast.

When we have a June or July wedding or other event scheduled here in our Demonstration Garden, we make sure to plant large quantities of Clarkia amoena sequentially through the fall and winter, even into spring, as well as counting on its reseeding from the previous year. Extra water can prolong bloom. In a very dry year, it still delivers the bloom sought after for special events.