Dichelostemma ida-maia, Firecracker Plant

Dichelostemma ida-maia, Firecracker Plant

  • $16.50
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Dichelostemma ida-maia

Firecracker Plant, Dichelostemma ida-maia, is a very showy species of native bulb with an attractive tubular, narrow flower of bright scarlet. This 2" long flower grows in a cluster of flowers that curve downward. Tipped with lime green and chartreuse tepals, these flowers create a unique effect that is highly sought after. It is not often available. 

It grows almost 2' tall and blooms in spring. Firecracker Plant likes woodland edges in mixed evergreen forests and redwood forests, as well as full sun. Easy to grow and very striking in containers, Firecracker plant is one of the native bulbs that are adaptable to very dry conditions.  

Plant bulbs as soon as they arrive, flat root side down. Protection from gophers, rabbits, voles, etc. is advised. 

One ounce contains approximately 10 bulbs.